If you want to level up your gold making consider supporting my Patreon. They can also simplify your TSM setup as you can use a single set of strings and operations for many markets.3) If you encounter a lockup whilst importing a string, please be patient Importing too many strings at any one time can cause your data not to save correctly. 2) When importing a TSM Profile, import one string at a time and use the chat command /reloadui to force TSM to save your import.It basically says that if the value is greater than 250k gold and the price is less than 80% of the DBRegionMarketAvg, it will populate on your sniper Before we get into why our string is best, first take a look at what TSM uses in their default sniper operation Maximum Price.Complete Shadowlands Import String (Ungrouped Pets
This is ideal for those that don't want all the fuss and the ease of moving Battle Pets to your own preferred setup.
The only way we can make fold is to sell our items, and the only way we sell our items is through the auction house. These are the rules you make to decide how your auctions are posted to the auction house. Auctioning operations are the most important operations in TSM.Home TSM Auctioning operations String TSM4 Guide part 3: Operations 101 - The Lazy Goldmake